HBO Max正式登陸台灣,影音串流市場再掀波瀾
2024 年 11 月 20 日娛樂 發佈

2024年11月19日,全球知名串流平台HBO Max正式在台灣上市,這一消息引起了廣泛的關注。HBO Max不僅在台灣開通服務,還同步在香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼及菲律賓等亞洲地區啟用,顯示出華納兄弟探索集團對於亞洲市場的重視。

隨著網絡影片串流平台的興起,越來越多的觀眾選擇在家中享受娛樂,這一趨勢無疑是因為靈活的點播方式更符合忙碌都市人的生活方式。無論是想在工作之餘追劇,還是利用假期進行一場電影馬拉松,HBO Max都能滿足用戶的需求。

HBO Max的上線,讓台灣的影視串流市場競爭更加激烈,尤其是在Netflix、Disney+、Amazon Prime和Apple TV+等強勁對手的壓力下。這次新平台的推出,不僅提供了HBO原創節目,還包括各類院線大片、獨創劇集和經典熱門節目,讓觀眾能夠享受豐富的視聽體驗。

為了迎接新用戶,GQ特別推薦了11部必看作品,這些作品涵蓋了從驚悚劇到喜劇,無論你是什麼類型的影迷,都能在HBO Max上找到心儀的內容。音樂、劇情、紀錄片等多樣化的內容選擇也將吸引不同喜好的觀眾。

隨著HBO Max的加入,台灣的OTT市場將可能面臨重新洗牌,尤其是對於當前的霸主Netflix來說,這是一個不容小覷的挑戰。HBO Max利用其強大的內容資源和市場策略,目標是迅速打入並占據一定的市場份額。

這樣的變化不僅會影響觀眾的選擇,還將引發其他串流平台的反應,未來或許會有更多的競爭和創新出現。HBO Max的推出,對於影視愛好者來說,無疑是一個激動人心的時刻,期待它能帶來更多的優質內容和全新的觀影體驗。

在這場串流戰爭中,觀眾將成為最大的受益者,因為競爭的加劇將促使各大平台不斷提升服務與內容品質。一起期待HBO Max在台灣的精彩表現吧!

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2024 年 11 月 19 日娛樂科技 發佈


根據華納兄弟探索亞太區總裁James Gibbons的說法,亞洲地區的觀眾對於華納兄弟的影視作品表現出極大的熱情,這促使他們決定將Max推向這個潛力巨大的市場。Max平台將結合院線大片、獨創劇集、熱門經典節目以及真實故事,滿足不同觀眾的需求,並將推出包括HBO在內的多元化內容。


作為一個全新的選擇,Max的進入將進一步促進東南亞及港、台地區的影音串流市場競爭。此地區目前擁有Netflix、Disney+及Apple TV+等多個成熟的串流平台,Max的加入將讓消費者有更多選擇,並可能推動價格競爭與內容創新。

對於已經訂閱HBO Go服務的用戶,Max將自動轉為其服務,這樣的轉換將減少用戶的流失率,並為現有用戶提供更為豐富的內容。Max的上線不僅能夠吸引新用戶,還能夠保持現有用戶的忠誠度。


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End of an Era: Cartoon Network’s Website Shuts Down, Redirects to Max
2024 年 8 月 10 日EntertainmentTechnology 發佈

In a significant shift in the world of animation and entertainment, Warner Bros. Discovery has officially closed the iconic Cartoon Network website, redirecting visitors to a new sign-up page for its streaming service, Max. This move marks the end of a 26-year legacy for, a beloved online destination that hosted games, episodes, and a vibrant community for fans of all ages.

The closure of the website comes as part of Warner Bros. Discovery’s broader strategy to consolidate its digital offerings and focus on streaming content. With the rapid rise of streaming services, traditional web platforms have increasingly struggled to maintain relevance. The transition reflects a changing landscape in how audiences consume media, with more viewers opting for on-demand services over traditional cable and website visits.

Cartoon Network has been a pivotal player in the animation industry since its launch in 1992. It introduced a plethora of shows that have become cultural staples, but with the advent of the digital age, the network has had to adapt to maintain its audience. The decision to shut down the website is seen by many as a move to streamline operations and drive viewers towards Max, which offers a wealth of Cartoon Network content alongside other programming.

As part of this transition, visitors to are now greeted with a simple message directing them to Max, stripping away the nostalgic elements that once made the site a hub for fans. The closure follows the recent phasing out of Warner Bros. Discovery’s Boomerang subscription service, further indicating a shift in focus towards more profitable streaming avenues.

The reaction from fans has been mixed; many express sadness over the loss of a platform that held years of cherished memories and interactive experiences. The site was not just a place to watch shows; it was a community space where fans could engage through games and forums. The abrupt removal of this portal has sparked discussions about the future of animated content online and how companies navigate the balance between nostalgia and profitability.

In a world increasingly dominated by streaming giants, this decision underscores a pivotal trend in the entertainment industry. As companies like Warner Bros. Discovery evolve, they often face the tough choice of sacrificing beloved platforms in favor of more lucrative models. While the move to prioritize Max may yield short-term gains, it raises questions about the long-term impact on fan engagement and brand loyalty.

The closure of Cartoon Network’s website is not just an end but also a reflection of the broader changes in media consumption habits. Fans are urged to adapt to this new reality, where content is increasingly accessible through streamlined services. With animated content continuing to thrive on platforms like Max, there remains hope that the spirit of Cartoon Network can live on through these new channels.

As we bid farewell to the Cartoon Network website, one can only wonder what the future holds for the characters and shows that have shaped generations. The legacy of Cartoon Network is far from over; it simply enters a new chapter, one that continues to evolve with the ever-changing landscape of entertainment.

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